bicycle / bicycle frames

Design by AB

Hi everyone!

My name is Adrian Badura and I wanted to tell the story of our company. I am a graduate in Mechanics and Machine Design at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, and a member of International Union Of Machine Builders. Due to the constant desire to take on challenges in 2013, I set up a design office for the mechanical industry, which I have been developing ever since. However, due to the love for bicycles and the passion for traveling, the first bicycle frames were created with the characteristic AB on the rear hooks.

The engineering experience gainedgave the opportunity to realize in hisown design office a uniqueframe design, which was not yetseen in the Fatbike segment. This is how the Bikeswithbenefits brand was created. Each project is carried out manually from the beginning to the end in Poland.

In 2018, we focused on the development of Fatbike with the charmingnameToudi, whichis in line with the latestglobalstandards. Currently, itis one of the lightestaluminumFats on the market. In addition to the standard performance, we offerrein for cedversions for cyclists weighingup to 200kg. We focus on the quality of workmanship and on the customization of frames (special painting, dedicated components) and the creation of bondsbetween the user and the bike:

„We do not want the bike to be just another garageequipment, orratheritis to be a member of the family. Maybe idealized but for usithas the highest value”.

Different Places One Pleasure

At the initialstage of designingeachframe, we askourselves: Whyare we doingthis? The answerisalways the same: „sothatyoucanrideourbikes on everycontinent, regardless of the conditions, providingusers with maximum drivingpleasure.” Hence the motto thatisvisible on ourframes: „differentplaces, one pleasure”.


All elements are made in CNC technology, which allows obtaining very high accuracy. Materials that are used in production have all the necessary certificates. Aluminum 7020, which we use is used in the aerospace and aerospace industries, thanks to which we achieve high strength of our products with low weight!


Despite living in a continuous journey and waiting for the next trip, belonging to one place is important to us. From the beginning of the company’s existence in 2013, we are still connected with our small homeland, that is with Silesia. It is here that the headquarters of our company is located along with the associated design office.


Szymon Gembala

Szymon is the first player to join the Bikeswithbenefits team in 2018. Szymon is a former player of Fourcross and Quadcross.

The best showcase of a player is his results achieved only in 2018:

  • Tour de Rybnik 2nd place Open,
  • Trek Race Częstochowa 20th place Open,
  • MTB Rybnik 9th place Open,
  • MTB Jastrzębie 3rd place M3 and 8 Open,
  • Bike Atelier DąbrowaGórnicza MTB 20th place Open,
  • Bike Atelier Gliwice 33 Open,
  • Rally around the Tatra Mountains 15th place,
  • Eliminator 11 open place,
  • 3 in the age category in Jastrzębie-Zdrój.

Szymon already won the first place in the III Winter CyclingMarathon White Crow 2019, whichonlyconfirmed the goodcooperation and racingcharacter of Toudi.

Dominika Niemiec

Dominika joined us for the winter season in 2019. She is a talented player from KamiennaGóra, who rides every day in the Eroe.cc Racing Club team.

Her most important results only in 2018 are:

  • 2nd place – General classification of the Sudeten MTB Cup zone and 1st place in the age category!
  • 4th place in BikeMaratonPolanicaZdrój (open women)!
  • 1 place on the MEGA distance – Bicycle Run Piastów!
  • 2nd place at the Kowary – Okraj (women’s open) mountain race!
  • 3rd place in the triathlon cross relay in Bielawa!
  • In all starts in 2018, she stood on the podium 34 times!

Domi won the IV Polish Championships of FatBike Race 2019 in the first unofficial Polish Championship during the first start.



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